So how can blogging increase your leads?

Your blog is yours. This is your legal home. Unlike your Facebook page, you don’t risk seeing it disappear one fine morning. Over time, you can build a resource bank in which your prospects will come looking for answers to their questions.

Create a dynamic site with new content that can be distributed beyond your blog

By regularly posting articles on your blog, you will be able to show it to other people in other spheres. Social networks, email marketing, other blogs …

Have rich pages with your keywords that will promote the indexing of your blog by search engines

Publishing new content containing your key phrases will make you visible on search engines. The more you post, the more your prospects will discover you. Imagine that out of 100 visits; your conversion rate is only 4%. Don’t you think it’s a large return on investment with little expense?

Bring search engine traffic.

We have known for years that Google favors content that brings value. The more useful, interesting, and relevant content you publish for your readers, Google will thank you by bringing more visitors to your website and blog.

Build your leadership, demonstrate your expertise and create a climate of trust

Keeping a blog is a gesture of commitment.

Commitment to your audience. Because you show him that he matters to you, by providing answers to your audience’s problems, you build relationships of trust.

Plus, when you post regularly, you are seen as a role model in your industry or industry. Your image improves. We see you differently. You are quoted in specialized publications. We are calling on you.

This is why ambitious companies all have a blog. Why not you?

It’s a great platform to place calls to action and generate conversions.

As we have said in this article, with inbound marketing, the end of excessive promotions and harmful ads is over.

But don’t let that frighten you. You also have the option of promoting your business or forcing the reader to take action.

For example, in your article, you can put a link that suggests going to download an important resource, complementary to the article. On the other hand, you can put a call to action that encourages the reader to contact you so that you show them how to solve the problem that is plaguing them. Here you are not stifling the reader. You’re just suggesting something relevant. You offer help. It makes all the difference in the eyes of prospects.